UKEC gains AEGIS Preliminary Accreditation

UKEC is delighted to have achieved Preliminary Accreditation from the Association for the Education and Guardianship of International Students (AEGIS). Here’s what AEGIS reported on their website:


UKEC was founded in 2015 and currently provides guardianship services for students originating from mainland China and Hong Kong. Their aim is to provide a dedicated and comprehensive ‘one stop’ service to partner schools/colleges and families. The company has long-standing experience and knowledge of the British education system.

The lead inspector commented:

“The Director is fully involved in the running of the organisation, including caring for students whilst they are staying in the multiple student accommodation, visiting schools and engaging in communication with parents, students and school staff.

Due regard is paid to safeguarding, with the DSL and Office Manager (the prospective DDSL) clear in the need to refer concerns to the relevant external agencies should there be a need. Suitable checks are undertaken on homestays and any accommodation provided.”


UKEC delighted to feature in The AEGIS Standard magazine